The Importance of a Routine Dental Checkup
A routine dental checkup is essential to ensure that you have no issues with oral health and to detect any concerns as early as possible. The best way to deal with oral health concerns is through prevention. A routine dental checkup allows you to see potential issues before they worsen and to receive the proper preventive and restorative care.

Routine dental checkup: What is its purpose?
A routine dental checkup helps with the prevention of a range of oral health concerns, including but not limited to periodontal disease, tooth decay, and teeth stains.

Prevent periodontal disease
Periodontal disease can result from plaque and tartar buildup along the gum line that goes untreated for too long. Gum disease can be prevented through good at-home oral care and intelligent dietary choices (e.g., limited sugar consumption), but dental checkup visits are also important.

Prevent dental tooth decay.
Tooth decay occurs when the outermost layer of teeth (known as the dental enamel) begins to erode. This happens due to an acidic reaction caused by a combination of bacteria and particles from food, drinks, etc. A dental checkup detects the early signs of tooth decay and can help prevent tooth decay by strengthening weakened enamel.

Keep your teeth looking great.
There are also cosmetic benefits to a dental checkup visit. Generally, the dentist performs a routine cleaning procedure on the same day as the checkup. This removes plaque and tartar buildup on teeth and along the gum line, which can help reduce the risk of developing teeth stains. The dental checkup also allows the dentist to check for potential oral cancer symptoms, make cosmetic treatment recommendations, and inform patients how to improve their smiles.

Detect any underlying concerns.
Dentists typically recommend new dental X-rays once every year. In addition to the oral examination, this allows them to detect any underlying concerns that may otherwise go undetected, such as bone loss in the jaw, impacted teeth, etc. There are also many issues a dentist checks for during a dental checkup that the patient cannot detect on their own at home. For example, deep gum pockets are a severe sign of periodontal disease, but it is hard to see through an at-home oral examination.

Help educate about oral care at home.
Lastly, the dentist can help educate the patient on how to improve their oral care routine at home to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile between dental checkup visits.

Schedule a routine dental checkup today.
You can schedule a routine dental checkup by calling our dental team today. We can find the right time for you to come in, and our friendly dental team is happy to answer any questions. While we offer restorative care, we pride ourselves on helping patients prevent issues before they develop.

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